UDL Now! A Teacher’s Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning, Third Edition
Katie Novak
George Couros

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$15.00 (ISBN: 9781943085248)

UDL Now! New Edition: Third Time is a Charm
Watch the recording and grab the materials from a conversation with bestselling author Katie Novak! She highlights how her book supports educators to get started with UDL, develop a strong foundation to reach all learners, and build meaningful connections around this work.
About the Book
In the third edition of UDL Now!, Katie Novak provides practical insights and savvy strategies for helping all learners succeed in a post-pandemic world using the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
This powerful guide for educators covers timely topics including:
- Supporting UDL within multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS)
- UDL in the service of equity
- Recruiting and engaging learners as UDL partners
- How UDL and Differentiated Instruction (DI) work together
- The role of student choice and voice
- What learning expertise really means
- Preparing for standardized assessments the UDL way
Novak presents examples throughout the book to make the content relevant and digestible. She concludes each chapter with reflection questions to help teachers apply key concepts to their work.
UDL Now! Third Edition is available as paperback ($32.00, ISBN: 9781930583825), accessible EPUB ($32.00, ISBN: 9781930583832), and audiobook ($15, ISBN: 9781943085248) at book stores and retailers worldwide.
Praise for UDL Now! Third Edition
A master class in Universal Design for Learning is what you will get from UDL Now! Because of the way Katie writes and shares her wisdom and experience, you will get exactly what you need as long as you are open to it. There is no better guide than Katie Novak for this journey.
George Couros, author of The Innovator’s Mindset
Whether you are skeptical or motivated about UDL, this book has something for you. In this updated version, Katie pulls each reader into a journey of discovery, design, and delight. I love the anecdotes, the transparency, and the invitation to revise. Katie has equipped every reader to face ourselves by modeling the characteristics of an expert learner and giving us the inspiration to do the same. Brilliant!
Andratesha Fritzgerald, author of Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning
UDL Now brilliantly weaves together stories, research, and complementary frameworks that are crucial to ensuring all learners thrive in our modern world. Katie delivers practical tips for how to address beliefs, skills, strategies, and systems to ensure you can design learning experiences for the variability in your classroom and support each learner to navigate their unique path. This is a must-read for every educator!
Katie Martin, author of Evolving Education: Shifting to a Learner-Centered Paradigm, and Chief Impact Officer at the Learner-Centered Collaborative
Exceptionally well written, impressively 'reader friendly' in organization and presentation, offering a complete course of instruction in a single 196 page volume, this new third edition of 'UDL Now!: A Teacher's Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning' will have a very special appeal and value to anyone with an interest in Special Education and Inclusive Education.
Midwest Book Review, September 2023
About the Author

Katie Novak, EdD, is an internationally renowned education consultant, author, graduate instructor at the University of Pennsylvania, and a former Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Massachusetts. Katie has two decades of experience in teaching and administration, has an earned doctorate in curriculum and teaching from Boston University, and has authored or coauthored 10 published books, including the best-sellers Equity by Design, UDL and Blended Learning, and Innovate Inside the Box: Empowering through UDL and the Innovator’s Mindset.
You can find her online at katienovakudl.com and on Twitter at @KatieNovakUDL.
Table of Contents
- Foreword by George Couros
- Short and Sweet Intro to Updated and Revised. . . Again
- Chapter 1: Don’t Do It Alone
- Chapter 2: UDL and Equity
- Chapter 3: Differentiating Between UDL and Differentiated Instruction
- Chapter 4: Recruiting and Engaging Learners as UDL Partners
- Chapter 5: The Power of Expert Learning
- Chapter 6: Firm Goals and UDL Implementation
- Chapter 7: Unpacking Choice and Voice
- Chapter 8: But What About Standardized Assessments?
- UDL Resources
- References
- Index
- About the Authors
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