Project COOL: A Scalable UDL Coaching Model

Project Name
Project COOL: COaching On Learning (COOL)
Project Description
The Project COOL team will develop materials and supports for elementary-school instructional coaches to use as they help teachers improve a variety of outcomes for all learners, especially those with disabilities.
Project COOL will apply evidence-based practices and high-leverage practices—that is, essential, research-proven teaching techniques—to support the implementation of robust and engaging learning opportunities for all students to boost academic, functional, developmental, and behavioral outcomes.
Based on implementation science and the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, Project COOL's coaching model will support improved teacher training in classroom instruction and resource procurement, as well as the development of professional learning communities of coaches. Project team members will collaborate with coaches and educators to apply design-based research to analyze the program’s effectiveness and make evidence-based adjustments revisions.
Throughout the project, the team will measure student learning and outcomes using continuous feedback and progress monitoring techniques. This in turn will drive improvements to the coaching strategies and resources, all with an eye toward scaling and replicating the program.
October 2020 – September 2024
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs
University of Kansas
Lawrence Public Schools (Lawrence, KS)
Project Leadership
James Basham, CAST (PI)
Tracey Hall, CAST (Co-PI)
Jenna Gravel, CAST (Co-PI)
Kathleen Zimmerman, University of Kansas (Co-PI)
For more information about this project, please contact the team at