Technology Feature Brief: Font Choice

Center on Inclusive Software for Learning (CISL) at CAST
Though research has shown that most fonts designed specifically for dyslexia do not lead to increased reading speed and accuracy, readers may want to choose a font they prefer that is most comfortable for them.
The Center on Inclusive Software for Learning (CISL) at CAST conducted literature reviews and testing within Clusive, our adaptive and accessible web-based reader designed during the project, to develop Technology Feature Briefs. These briefs are designed for educators, developers, and researchers to find out more about particular features within technology tools, how they’re used, and whether they might be effective in addressing different barriers within a technology environment.
Download our report on font choice
Cite As
Center on Inclusive Software for Learning at CAST. (2023). Technology Feature Brief: Font Choice. CAST.
This content was developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H327A170002. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Celia Rosenquist.