Anne Meyer

Drawing on a long-term focus on the psychological aspects of learning and learning disabilities, Anne Meyer played a leading role in CAST’s design of multimedia technology for diverse learners. Dr. Meyer has also led efforts to refine and disseminate CAST’s ideas about Universal Design for Learning through writing and website development.
Anne Meyer is the lead author (with co-authors David Rose and David Gordon) of Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice, available from CAST Professional Publishing.
Anne Meyer has also coauthored (with David Rose) three books: A Practical Reader in Universal Design for Learning (Harvard Education Press, 2006), the seminal Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age: Universal Design for Learning (ASCD, 2002), and Learning to Read in the Computer Age (Brookline Books, 1998), as well as numerous journal articles. She is also coeditor, with David Rose and Chuck Hitchcock, of The Universally Designed Classroom: Accessible Curriculum and Digital Technologies (Harvard Education Press, 2005).
Widely recognized for her contributions in the field of technology as it relates to disabilities, Dr. Meyer has served on the Texas Task Force on Electronic Textbook Accessibility and as a national advisor to President Clinton's Educational Technology Panel.
In 1995, Dr. Meyer received a Gold Medal from the National Association of Social Sciences for her work at CAST. With her CAST colleagues, she is also winner of the Computerworld/Smithsonian Innovation Award for the early literacy software program WiggleWorks.
Dr. Meyer completed her undergraduate work at Radcliffe College and received her master's and doctoral degrees from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and completed training for licensure in clinical psychology. Currently she is studying piano, painting, and Buddhism.