The 8th Annual CAST UDL Symposium: Learner Voice

Wednesday, July 27 –
Friday, July 29, 2022
Universal Design for Learning is founded on, and committed to, the fight for educational equity, until learning has no limits. At CAST, we believe true equity must involve the power of the voices of our learners. This year’s Symposium is designed to amplify those voices, particularly those who have been most marginalized by traditional educational systems. Learners’ voices must be lifted and made central to how we engage, teach, and assess learners, because each and every voice enriches learning for all.
Conference Goals
By engaging in virtual sessions that encourage innovative ideas, systemic thinking, and application of theory to practice, participants will:
- Imagine radical new ways to include learner voice in all aspects of their education across the lifespan.
- Explore how assessments, post-secondary planning, and UDL implementation could include learner voice.
- Be inspired to experiment with and implement new systems for empowering learners.
- Examine ways in which we may unconsciously support systems that disadvantage or exclude certain students, and learn how learner voice can build racial and cultural equity.
- Challenge their own assumptions about teaching, instruction, and learning.
- Imagine innovative policies and practices for lifting up student voice in their work (no matter the context), and understanding student voice as the most necessary foundation of positive educational systemic change.
Check out our lineup of live recorded and pre-recorded sessions!
Ticket Purchase Information
Paying with a Purchase Order: If you are paying for your Symposium ticket with an invoice, Purchase Orders must be submitted at the time of registration to submit your order successfully. All Purchase Orders should be uploaded to the Purchase Order Submission Form at the time of registration.

#UDLvoice Social Highlights
Follow and join the ongoing conversation using our hashtag #UDLvoice on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Our live event participants shared over 250 reflections, quotes, and questions over three days, expanding the learning alongside the greater education social community.
All times listed are in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC -4). Sessions are subject to change. Don't forget to check out our pre-recorded sessions, too!
Wednesday, July 27
- 10:45 – 11:00 am ET: Opening Welcome
- 11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET: Keynote: Student Panel
- Moderator: Naomi Williams, CTE student
- Panelists:
- Amir El, high school student
- Kayla Dumas, high school student
- Claire Robinson, high school student
- Jordin Durocher, high school student
- 12:00 – 12:50 pm ET: Break
- 12:50 – 1:50 pm ET: Live Concurrent Sessions
- Power and Empowerment: Honoring By Decision and Design
Andratesha Fritzgerald - Uplifting Voices in Court and Community Schools
Amy Robinson & Marnie Lynch - Replacing power with flexible structure: Learner centered deadline policies in post-secondary
Melissa Hills, Kim Peacock & Brittany Wiseman - Honoring and Valuing Student Feedback to Build Community in Online Learning
Irma Gomez, Jenna Gravel, Monica Ng, Zach Smith & Carina Traub
- Power and Empowerment: Honoring By Decision and Design
- 1:50 – 2:10 pm ET: Break
- 2:10 – 3:10 pm ET: Live Concurrent Sessions
- Supporting the UDL Mindset Shift in Educators
Jennifer Pusateri - Inspiring Learner Voice Through Racial and Social Justice in UDL
Samantha Abarca & Leena Bakshi - Engaging Learners and Families in Technology Planning: A Joint Panel Discussion
Angel Morgan, Cameron Morgan, Robert P. Dolan, Leela Dolan, Donna Murray, & Maggie Pickett - EF & Affect: Supporting Students to Learn How to Learn
Alexis Reid & Colin Feheley
- Supporting the UDL Mindset Shift in Educators
- 3:10 – 4:00 pm ET: Break
- 4:00 – 5:00 pm ET: Live Concurrent Sessions
- UDL needs new learning skills for true equity
Katherine Hamilton - A Special Take 20 with Texthelp Featuring David Rose & Martin McKay, Hosted by Joni Degner
Joni Degner, Martin McKay & David Rose - Learner Voice in the Design of the UDL Credentials
Allison Posey
- UDL needs new learning skills for true equity
Thursday, July 28
- 10:45 – 11:00 am ET: Welcome
- 11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET: Keynote: Ninah Jackson, Organizing Coordinator, Student Voice
- 12:00 – 12:50 pm ET: Break
- 12:50 – 1:50 pm ET: Live Concurrent Sessions
- Tapping into Learner Voice to Maximize Health and Wellbeing
Anne Bishop, Anne Marie DeGirolamo & Kasia Derbiszewska - Unleashing Student Voice in Kentucky: How Young People in Kentucky are Co-creating more Just and Democratic Schools
Raima Dutt, Spandana Pavuluri, Jennifer Pusateri & Kira Pusateri - Using podcasting to capture students with disabilities' voice in transition
Taylor Bousfield & Erika Moore - Open Pedagogy and UDL: Student Experiences
Carolee Clyne, Erica Hamilton, Surita Jhangiani & Sharmila Miller
- Tapping into Learner Voice to Maximize Health and Wellbeing
- 1:50 – 2:10 pm ET: Break
- 2:10 – 3:10 pm ET: Live Concurrent Sessions
- Designing with Postsecondary Students: UDL in Metacognition for Mobile Learning
Sheila Bresnahan, Aviva R. Hollander & Laura E. Vanderberg - Interrupting Inequitable Schooling: Creating Brave Spaces for Critical Dialogue about Race
Carla-Ann Brown, D'Annette Mullen & Ashley Pennypacker Hill - Inclusive Voices Matter: Empowering Young Adults with Disabilities and Learning Differences through Youth Engagement Networks
Barbara Pape, Avi Mayerhoff, Joey Hunziker, Stevie Mays & Misha Nicholas - Elevating the Adult Learner Voice in Professional Development
Anne Bishop & Kasia Derbiszewska
- Designing with Postsecondary Students: UDL in Metacognition for Mobile Learning
- 3:10 – 4:00 pm ET: Break
- 4:00 – 5:00 pm ET: Live Concurrent Sessions
- Cheating, Or Empowering Learner Voice with Reading and Writing Tools In The Digital Age?
Joni Degner, Tracey Hall & Luis Pérez - UDL Rising to Equity: Community Conversations
Jenna Gravel & NIcole Tucker-Smith
- Cheating, Or Empowering Learner Voice with Reading and Writing Tools In The Digital Age?
- 5:00 – 6:00 pm ET: Choose from multiple pre-recorded sessions
Friday, July 29
- 10:45 – 11:00 am ET: Welcome
- 11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET: Keynote: Keith Jones, President & CEO of SoulTouchin' Experiences
- 12:00 – 12:50 pm ET: Break
- 12:50 – 1:50 pm ET: Live Concurrent Sessions
- Empowering Learner Voice through DisCrit Pedagogy and UDL
Joy Banks, Kia Felder Williams, Reagan L. Mergen - UDL in 15 Minutes with Students!
Thomas Degner, Karly Allen, Loui Lord Nelson & Mackie Norris - Supporting Student Voice in Hands-on Learning Environments like CTE
Owen Armstrong, Amanda Bastoni, Sydney Crete, Anthony David, Abraham Ewing & Naomi Williams - We Are in Charge
Kaitlyn Guilbeault, Brianna Hayward, Dayna Hookway, Karen Martin-Brown, Garrett Shows & Ariana White
- Empowering Learner Voice through DisCrit Pedagogy and UDL
- 1:50 – 2:10 pm ET: Break
- 2:10 – 3:10 pm ET: Live Concurrent Sessions
- Stepping Out from the Podium: UDL beyond Learner Choices
Tom Tobin - Not a Choice for Us: Accessibility for Students Who Require It
Liam Cruz, Cynthia Curry, Ella Johnson & Iliana Mejia - Small Empathetic Moments Leading to Big Systems Change
Jessica Bowman, Elizabeth Hartmann, Shannon Hitch, Allison Posey, Cassandra Sell & Debbie Taub - Explore and Describe — Building curiosity about materials, skills and process
Maggie Fishman, Sarajane Munford & Erin Orr
- Stepping Out from the Podium: UDL beyond Learner Choices
- 3:10 – 3:30 pm ET: Break
- 3:30 – 4:30 pm ET: Closing Keynote: Lindsay Jones, CAST CEO
CAST is not responsible for the content of Symposium presentations. Views of the presenters are their own.
Pre-recorded Sessions
Trauma and the impact of Teaching and Learning on Minority students
Carrie Awadzi
Hopeful Transitions
Tricia Berry
The ArithmeType Keyboard for electronic secondary school math simplicity
Shannon Canas & Shaun Canas
Adjusting Teacher and Student Talk to Support ELLs in HE
Naglaa Salem
There's No "I" in Inclusion Part 2: Centering Learner Voice during Institution-Wide UDL Implementation
Frances Hope Ratcliff
Implementing Effective 1-1 Learning Conversations
Philip Michael Bowman
Using student voices to guide practice in the modern classroom
Jennefer Rousseau, Andreas Lambrinoudis & Svetlana Miftahov-Rapoport
Learner Variability: Lessons from Students with Chronic and Complex Illnesses
Alicia Cannon & Lisa Beth Carey
The inclusive perspective in Brazilian teaching practice: Teacher voices learning about UDL
Paula Lopes Miranda & Raquel Neves Matos Carvalho
Passing the Torch: Universal Design for Learning Across Educational Contexts
Tayler Cassidy & Danielle M. Feeney
Learners with Voice: Creating Pathways for Agency and Self-Advocacy
Hillary Goldthwait Fowles & Kathleen McClaskey
Academic Music: Engaging students in math, music and computational thinking
Timothy Bellavia, Susan Courey, Roslyn Haber, Tina Williams, Samantha Wright & Santa-Li Zimbrano
Classroom Learners in Conversation about Neuroscience, Identity, and Culture
Blake Mickle Beckett
Student Advisory Groups: The Evidence in Evidence-Based Research and Advocacy
Catherine Gallagher, Richard Healy, Hannah Kelly & Dara Ryder
Listening to Actions: Tracking Student Choices to Construct Learner Profiles
Meg Hutchinson
Universal Design For Learning (UDL) in Mathematics Classrooms: A Catalyst to Activate Diverse Learners
Sandhya Raman
Creating Ownership in Assessment- From Higher Education to K-12 Classrooms
Deanna Maynard & Ashley Zehner
Understanding the Social-Emotional, Cognitive, and Metacognitive Context of Our Diverse Learners
Christopher Camacho & Julia Ransom
Mission Possible: Robots Providing Inclusive School Experiences for Students
Anna Cliff, Brenda O'Connell, Carly Sandgren & Leani Tell
Open Pedagogy and UDL: The Next Steps
Carolee Clyne & Surita Jhangiani
Leading with care: Building Capacity and Connection in Collaborative Spaces
Melissa Chumakov, Sarah Driessens, Sarah Hunter & Erin Valenzuela
Using Online Tools and UDL to Elicit Learner Voice
Madison Bunderson, Elena Darling-Hammond & Daniel Pimentel
Building Teacher Capacity Applying the UDL Framework: Stories from Indonesia
Elga Andriana & David Evans
What has technology ever done for us? Second-level student voices
Joanne Banks & Ann Devitt
Why is College So Much More Accessible Than High School?
Grant Blasko & Susan Shapiro
School for all: students empowered for change
Beatriz Duda Macera & Jessica Susano Ramos
Amplifying Coaches’ Voices with COOL: Applying UDL and Effective Practices
James Basham, Jenna Gravel, Tracey Hall, Reagan L. Mergen & Kathleen Zimmerman
CAST is not responsible for the content of Symposium presentations. Views of the presenters are their own.