CAST's 4th Annual UDL Symposium: Empowering Learners
Monday, July 30 –
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Harvard Law School Campus
Cambridge, MA
Questions? We're happy to help!
For general Symposium questions, contact Alie Berg
This year’s UDL Symposium was an opportunity to come together as a community to explore the promise of Universal Design for Learning for empowering learners. By engaging in sessions designed to encourage critical conversations, problem-solving, and hands-on exploration, participants considered empowerment through a UDL lens. Participants left with a deeper understanding of the important role empowerment plays in learning and with concrete examples of ways to leverage UDL for these critical aims. We hope our participants left with the confidence and the motivation to apply their learning to their practice—and with a new network of colleagues to encourage and support their efforts.

Re-live the #UDLpower
Check out the amazing social media participation during the CAST 4th Annual UDL Symposium: Empowering Learners! We have two ways for you to get a taste of the sharing:
- #UDLpower: A Symposium in Ten Tweets (+1)
For those who just want an itty bitty tiny taste of the social media conversations and sharing. - #UDLpower: The Whole Story
For those who want a deep (like, bring-an-extra-oxygen-tank deep) dive into the 1259 original posts during the three day event.